Helichrysum Italicum
Also known as Immortelle and Everlasting; This small shrub with clusters of very aromatic yellow flowers grows on rocky shores washed by the sea, often beaten by harsh winds and bathed by the hot Mediterranean sun. These extraordinary plants thrive where not much else will grow and can be found growing wild on the shores of France, Italy, Croatia, Greece and Morocco.
The word Helichrysum is derived from the Greek word helios meaning sun and chrysos meaning gold. This is a reference to the golden colour of many of the flowers from this botanical genus. Helichrysum has been used since the time of the ancient Greeks as well as Romans and Egyptians for its great wound healing ability, and was used often after battles.
There are over 600 species of Helichrysum genus (mostly in Europe and Africa) and each species varies significantly in its chemistry, aroma and therapeutic properties since they grow in vastly different conditions, but the most desired and valuable essential oils are produced by steam distillation of Helichrysum Italicum plants originating from Italy (Corsica) and the Adriatic coast (Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia).
- These are our Helichrysum Italicum plants growing on the sunny shores of the Adriatic Sea in beautiful Croatia
Our Helichrysum Italicum plants are grown on the sunny shores of the Adriatic sea, in beautiful Croatia. The plants are harvested by hand and brought in for distillation.
- It may take from 1 to over 1.5 tons of flowers to extract 1 liter of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil. This makes it one of the most expensive essential oils on the market.
It’s hard to accurately describe the scent of Helicrysum italicum essential oil. Some people find its herbaceous scent to be too strong and overpowering, yet many others find it to be lovingly warm, balancing and soothing. Inhaling Helichrysum during the dark times of depression, anxiety and negative feelings can help restore feelings of compassion for others and for oneself so keep a bottle of this powerful essential oil handy to simply take a few long deep inhalations during times of emotional stress.
Therapeutically, the essential oil of the helichrysum flowers is safe for topical usage, even undiluted, however if you haven’t used this oil before it is always safer to use it diluted with any carrier oil (coconut, grape seed oil, jojoba, etc).
According to The East West School for Herbal and Aromatic Studies (theida.com) here are some of many uses of this powerful oil:
- First aid remedy for injuries, strains, sprains, tissue trauma (apply undiluted)
- Bruises, swellings, cuts, open wounds (Haas, 2004)
- Wound healing
- Scar reduction
- Joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis (Schnaubelt, 1995)
- Old or new scars resulting from surgery or injury, inflamed tissues, Hematoma, Allergic skin reactions, Hemorrhoids, Keloid scar tissue (to prevent or improve appearance), Stretch marks, Tendinitis, Wounds and Cuts. (Schnaubelt, 1999)
- Apply immediately undiluted after an injury, it prevents swelling and bruising. (Haas, 2004)
- Nurturing, calming, harmonizing and grounding, Helichchrysum will reduce apprehension, irritability and mental unrest. Helps untangle emotional knots and resolve past emotional trauma. (Holmes, n/d)
- Acute emotions (incl. acute anxiety, fear, anger, sorrow) (Holmes, n/d)
- Mental/Spiritual/Emotional trauma
- Acne, chronic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, scar tissue, burns, dermal inflammation, cuts and wounds, bruises, radiation burns
- Childhood dermatitis (Buck,P., 2005)
- Chronic asthma, viscous sputum in bronchitis, chronic cough (Holmes, n/d)
- Pain Relief (due to anti-inflammatory action) (Harris and Harris, 2002)
- Anal/Rectal fissures (Cristina, E., 2005)
- H. italicum has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiallergic activity and has been used to treat chronic chest ailments. (van Wyk and Wink, 2004)
- Dry, itchy skin with existing scratches and dermal irritation (Horrigan, 2004)
for Post-surgical scar healing (after stitches have been removed):
Using a double boiler dissolve 10 gr of beeswax with 50 gr of unrefined Shea butter on a gentle heat and then add 15 gr of Calendula oil and 10 gr of Jojoba oil. Stir well to incorporate all ingredients and then add the following essential oils:
- 10 ml (200 drops) Helichrysum italicum (1 ml = 20 drops)
- 8 ml (160 drops) Rosemary essential oil
- 5 ml (100 drops) Lavender essential oil
- 2 ml (40 drops) Dalmatian Sage essential oil
Apply over the scars at least twice a day.
Simple application of Helichrysum Oil for Bruises:
- Immediately after injury has occurred, apply undiluted helichrysum. Apply 1-2 more times throughout the day.
- Following days apply Arnica oil to which you’ve added helichrysum. Use 1 tbsp of Arnica with 10 drops of helichrysum italicum oil.
Certificate of analysis from University of Guelph of our Croatian Helichrysum Italicum essential oil
Medical Disclaimer
No toxic or irritating effects have been observed or reported from the use of Helichrysum Italicum oil, but being an anticoagulant, those who have undergone surgery or have chances of internal hemorrhaging should avoid using it. As always, if pregnant or under medical treatment please consult your physician before using any essential oils.
All information provided on this website is provided for informational purpose only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.